(2S)-OMPT - HY-120967A

Catalog #
(2S)-OMPT triethylamine, a chiral oxirane derivative, is commonly used as a ligand in asymmetric catalysis, especially in the enantioselective synthesis of bioactive molecules such as amino acids and drugs. (2S)-OMPT triethylamine has unique chemical properties that allow it to selectively bind certain metal complexes and activate them in a way that favors the formation of specific enantiomers.
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Datasheet URL http://file.medchemexpress.com/batch_PDF/HY-120967A/2S-OMPT-DataSheet-MedChemExpress.pdf
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Shipping Room temperature
CAS 645408-61-3
MWT 466.61
Clinical Information No Development Reported
Target Biochemical Assay Reagents


15% Rabatt
